Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Iraq and Chapter VII

30 August Iraq and Chapter VII - Part 2

August 30, 2009

Important Iraq Dates

August 22 to September 19 2009 – Ramadan

September 8, 2009 – New incoming Parliament Holds First Session

September 2009 - U.N. Meeting Iraq Chapter VII

October 16-17, 2009, Getenergy for Iraq 2009, Istanbul, Turkey

October 24, 2009 – National Census

October 2009 – International Compact with Iraq - Baghdad

December 7-9, 2009 Iraq Petroleum Conference London U.K.

December 31, 2009 – Development Fund for Iraq (DFI) expires

December 2009 – Article 140 Vote

January 16, 2010 – Iraq Referendum Vote (SOFA Security Agreement)

January 16, 2010 - National Parliamentary Elections


After writing and publishing my last report on Iraq and Chapter VII, I began receiving emails saying that the United Nations had sent them an email saying U.N. Chapter VII had been lifted.

For all of you that have received or read those type of emails from the United Nations Reference Team, saying Chapter VII on Iraq have been removed those emails have been manipulated or altered. I know your not surprised by this new revelation!

The U.N. Reference Team can not and will not give analysis to anyone they only give the documents or reference materials or information to what you are researching only. They leave the analysis to others to interpret Resolutions the United Nations vote on. You don't believe me ask them?

Now back to my Part II Iraq and Chapter VII.

I thought I detailed quite clearly why Iraq is still under Chapter VII and apparently I still have people just not convinced and this is the reason why we have a Part II. Plus I like showing those experts just how wrong they are as they make deliberate comments intended perhaps to mislead you.

First, we have to look at the recent report to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) from the United Nations (UN) Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, dated 27 July 2009.

Question: Why did the UN Secretary-General write that particular report to the UNSC?

Something made him do it. As you look at the Secretary-Generals report what does the first entry text at the top of the document say:

“Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 5 of resolution 1859 (2008)”

The Secretary-General wrote the report on Iraq because a certain UN resolution (resolution 1859 (2008) mandated a written report to the UNSC.

Paragraph 5 of resolution 1859 (2008) says:

Decides to review resolutions pertaining specifically to Iraq, beginning with the adoption of resolution 661 (1990), and in that regard requests the Secretary-General to report, after consultations with Iraq, on facts relevant to consideration by the council of actions necessary for Iraq to achieve international standing equal to that which it held prior to the adoption of such resolutions;

As you have the resolution 1859 (2008) open on your machine and looking at it look at page 3 which is the same page paragraph 5 is located.

Do you see this line of text it says:

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations

After this text than 6 paragraphs are written than followed by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, written letter to the UNSC.

Chapter VII will be lifted when the UNSC votes on a UN resolution removing the UN Article VII from Iraq just like they remove several resolutions on Iraq already.

One more thing the Secretary-General will give another written report in December 2009.

When the vote comes the UNSC vote has to be unanimous not a majority vote. All permanent members of the UNSC all have to vote yes. Let me ask you with the Oil and Gas Law still waiting on passage from the Iraqi Parliament you really think UNSC members are going to vote yes any time soon?

The Russian Federation, prior to March 2003, had very lucrative oil contracts that they now no longer have. Don't you think they are just a tad upset of all that revenue that they lost? The Russians have bases and a military to build up and they need cash and energy resources. And the Russians are not the only permanent member of the UNSC needing and wanting lucrative oil and energy contracts.

Internet News Stories on Russian and Iraq Oil Contracts

Russian Contracts with Iraq to Be Frozen

2 June 2003

Link to Article http://dwarfurl.com/e67a0

Russia and Iraq May Revive Pre-War Contracts

10 April 2009

Link to Article http://dwarfurl.com/9f972

Russia announces major arms buildup

17 March 2009

Link to Article http://dwarfurl.com/75f1f

You don't think the Russian Federation is going to possibly use the vote in the UNSC to use it as leverage against Iraq to secure an Oil Contract. In Russia's favor they did forgive 12 billion of Iraq debt.

Russia forgives 12-billion-dollar Iraq debt

11 Feb 2008

Link to Article http://dwarfurl.com/69f91

In regards to Iraq weapons and other military equipment that they are authorized to purchase from whom ever they choose from legally, I want to point out an additional text on the matter.

The Security Council committee established pursuant to resolution 1518 (2003) http://dwarfurl.com/be77b If you click on the link you will see the text written on the right side of the web page.

Under the heading: Exceptions to the measure;

The text in the box says:

The prohibitions related to the sale or supply to Iraq of arms and related material under previous resolutions shall not apply to arms or related material required by the government of Iraq or the multinational force to serve the purposes of resolution 1546 (2004). Nothing in the preceding paragraph affects the prohibitions on or obligations of states related to items specified in paragraphs 8 and 12 of resolution 687 (1991) or activities described in paragraph 3 of resolution 707 (1991).

The only prohibitions the Iraqi government has is they can not acquire any weapons in the weapons of mass destruction category as I have stated in my last report.

On a side note next month September 2009, there will be another meeting with the UNSC with regards to Iraq and U.N. Chapter VII. The exact day to be determined.

I hope I made my case as to Iraq will continue to be under U.N. Article Chapter VII and we can all hope by the end of the year maybe be lifted from Iraq.

RV Update.

Nothing significant to report. The politics will determine that scenario as all political parties and the ones that are getting ready to organize will decide what happens to the country. Prime Minister Maliki will soon be forming his non-sectarian political group of Kurds, Sunni, and Shia in his organization and attempting to marginalize the Chalabi and ISCI in the upcoming elections.

The Kuwaiti and Iraq war reparations continues as the Kuwaiti Airways is moving against the Iraq government to seize the Canadian Airplanes the Iraqi government just purchased in the past. This is all under litigation in Canada. Kuwait thinking they will get there money one way or another by placing additional pressure on the Iraqi government. The Iraqi government is trying to back out of the deal with Canada.

The Serbian government just announced weapons deals for Iraq in the amount of 100 million, however the deal is being questioned by the Iraqi Parliament due to the past corruption scandal involving that particular Iraqi Ministry.

This is all for now and I promise more to follow...

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